Animal Chiropractic

So a dog walks into a chiropractor’s office and says “Doc, my back hurts all the time, I’m limping, and I’m just not feeling like myself anymore.”

And the chiropractor says, “So sorry friend, that sounds ruff ….”

(And the dog knows he’s in the right place 😊 )

Anything that humans can experience, animals can also experience – they just can’t tell us about it. How is your dog supposed to let you know they have a headache, or that their lower back is hurting? Can your cat tell you they have pain radiating down their leg?

The answer is in their behavior – they start acting differently. The trick is, they have to be in a pretty significant amount of discomfort for them to act differently enough that we notice it. You should consider having your animal checked by a licensed animal chiropractor if you notice any of the following behaviors:

  • Limping
  • Whining
  • Balking at stairs
  • Slower than usual to jump up or down from furniture
  • Decreased enthusiasm for things they love
Licensed Animal Chiropractor Dr. Jessica Shelley adjusting a large cream colored dog outdoors on a deck

We make treatment easy for you – and comfortable for your beloved pet

Dr. Shelley and Snickers

Dr. Shelley is a licensed animal chiropractor, and can adjust dogs, cats, and horses. She does most animal New Patient visits in the client’s home (or barn). This is least stressful and most comfortable for the animal, and allows time and space for a thorough evaluation and plenty of conversation with their human.

During this visit, Dr. Shelley will take a complete medical history of your pet, and perform physical and neurological exams. She may also take photos and/or video of your animal. Based on those findings, Dr. Shelley will make recommendations regarding the frequency of adjustments needed to help your pet through whatever challenges they are experiencing, and set up a schedule of appointments to maximize their results.

Contact us to learn more!