Massage Therapy

We are thrilled to offer Therapeutic Relaxation massage on site. Sable Carter, LMT, works to provide enhancement of health, relaxation and healing through several different massage techniques tailored to your needs.

Your 75-minute appointment includes a 15 minute rest on the BioMat®, which delivers Far-Infrared Therapy to the body to increase circulation to your organs and muscles. It’s a wonderful prelude to your 60-minute massage.

Massage Therapy is the perfect complement to your Chiropractic adjustment. Call (216) 297-9779 to book your appointment, or schedule it at the front desk when you are here for your Chiropractic visit.

BioMat® Far Infrared Therapy

The BioMat is a medical-grade electromagnetic frequency (EMF) mat that delivers infrared energy (non-visible light) to the entire body. There are many imitation-type mats on the market, but the BioMat is the only one that is FDA approved as a Class II medical device.

A rest on the BioMat assists healing by increasing circulation to muscles and organs, and increasing lymph flow to boost the immune system. Available as a stand-alone service or as an adjunct to your chiropractic adjustment or massage therapy appointment, BioMat sessions are available in 15 or 30 minute increments, scheduled in advance.